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Keep Monroe County moving forward.

County government needs to work for everyone.

Working with County Executive Adam Bello, Legislator Michael Yudelson helped to:

  • Create a new Sheriff’s Deputy position in the Town of Henrietta that will focus on Special Attention Details; problems identified by the Town and its residents.

  • Increase funding to hire 50 new Sheriff’s Deputies.

  • Hire an additional four Assistant District Attorneys who will help expedite the prosecution of non-violent felony cases like retail store and catalytic converter thefts.

  • Signed into law Monroe County’s first ever Climate Action Plan with the goal of reducing the county’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050. Legislator Yudelson is the Co-Chair of the County’s Climate Action Plan Advisory Committee.

  • Enact a 2023 Budget that lowered the county property tax rate to $7.56 per thousand of taxable value – a reduction of ninety cents from the 2022 budget.  This is not only the county’s single largest tax rate decrease in 30 years, but it also results in the lowest county property tax rate in more than 75 years.

  • Prioritize workforce development, including the new Applied Technology Center at MCC increasing opportunity for students to receive training for high demand skilled trades.

  • Implement new Juvenile Enhanced Diversion Stabilization (JEDS) Program to address increase in teen and juvenile offenses.

  • Enact new contracts with the unions representing county workers, showing commitment to our employees, and bringing stability to our workforce.

  • Eliminate sales tax on clothing and shoes under $100

  • Triple staffing for the Forensic Intervention Team, bringing resources to those with mental health issues 

  • Increase tax breaks for seniors, volunteer firefighters and EMT’s, and people with disabilities

  • Fix the financial mess left by the previous administration and increase the County’s bond rating

  • Make needed improvements to County Parks and the Zoo.

  • Provide ARPA funding to several community organizations.

"Michael Yudelson has been my partner in the legislature since my first day in office. I know I can trust Michael’s experience in government. Working together, we created the first county park in Henrietta and launched Monroe County’s first Climate Action Plan. Legislator Yudelson joined me in adding 50 new Sheriff’s Deputies to address crime and has made record investments in our public health, workforce development, and our economy"

---County Executive Adam Bello

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received by Michael Yudelson